
What Gifts and Talents Do You Have? | Winner's Minute With Mac Hammond

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Many people put Olympians on a pedestal because of their fame, fortune, and abilities. When it comes down to it, however,
they are just like us. They simply choose to be different than most because of their desire to be great at what they do.
Now, you may not have the talent and ability they have—but you do have your own gifts and talents that make you unique.
It’s your job to find out what it is you do best and put your all into it. It may not carry the worldwide audience that an Olympian has,
but it will bring you to a satisfaction that can be reached in no other way. As Mark Twain put it: “The two most important days
in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” I’m Mac Hammond, and this is the Winner’s Minute.