
Z-Maguinho do PiauĂ­ - Deus

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04:10.0 God God made everything just right Didn't forget one single thing Created the sky and the earth Created the water and the seas And still left some space for the birds to fly in peace Left my heart for you to play loving Created you for me, this great man for you... Created you for me, this great man for you... Created the clouds and the rain Created the tears in our eyes For whenever we wish to cry Created rivers and cuddle waves On the curves of your gorgeous body, darling, I'll sail in love For whenever we're loving each other Created the ice and the fire Burning my heart The fierce fire of passion Created the ice and the fire Burning my heart The fierce fire of passion Created half an world of jealousy Inside me, jealous of you Created the blue from the infinite Everything is prettier, darling,when you and me are loving each other Created the blue from the infinite Everything is prettier, darling, when you and me are loving each other Created the clouds and the rain Created the tears in our eyes For whenever we wish to cry Created rivers and cuddle waves On the curves of your gorgeous body, darling, I'll sail in love For whenever we're loving each other Created the ice and the fire Burning my heart The fierce fire of passion Created half an world of jealousy Inside me, jealous of you Created the blue color from the infinite Everything is prettier, darling, when you and me are loving each other Created the blue color from the infinite Everything is prettier, darling, when you and me are loving each other Created the blue color from the infinite Everything is prettier, darling, when you and me are loving each other