
The Perfect Workout and Tips to Lose Weight | 21 Days | Yatinder Singh

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Hello everyone How are you all? A lot of people have demanded to make a video on weight loss So here we are, I will share with you a workout schedule for weight loss And please watch this video till end because at last I will a few tips which will help you in this weight loss journey Let’s start the video In this video we will do 5 compound movements and in each compound movements we will do one exercise in super sets This exercise will help you in gaining heart rate and core strengthening And at the end of workout, we will do finisher exercise This workout will help you in weight loss as well as help you in strength building You only have to follow this workout for 21 days to see the best results First, we will do squat super set with skipping We will do weighted squats here, so put weight in one time You have to take care of your posture while doing squats Do it in a control and rhythmic way As soon as you complete your 10 repetitions put down the bar And will perform skipping for 30 secs Second, we will be doing push press with jumping jacks You will need a bar for push press, You will lift it like this and then up Whenever you lift the bar breath out Again, focus on your rhythm and control And as soon as you complete your 10 repetition you will do jumping jacks without taking any break for 30 secs In third set we will do two exercise which will be dead lift and kettlebell swing First, we will do dead lift Chest lift, core tight, knee soft and will go down slowly And then will go up and breath out As soon as you will complete your 10 repetitions you will do kettlebell swing for 30 secs In which you will widen your legs and sit in a squats position And as you straighten your knees you will lift the kettlebell up You should have a good rhythm while doing it Next, we are doing 10 repetitions of incline dumbbell press with 30 secs of plank For doing this you have to lay down, maintain your back and take dumbbells down And then lift them up And breath out Slow and steady And then without taking any break will do plank Do the normal breathing while doing Fifth we are doing bent over row with load and carry When we will do bent over row with curl grip instead of normal grip Stand straight You will be bent from knee soft pelvic bone And try to put bars near your lower abs Lift it up and breath out As soon as you will complete 10 repetitions you will put down the weight And you will need two dumbbell Dumbbell’s weight must be heavy And you will hold both the dumbbell like this And you will start walking from here But your chest must be lifted and core tight And will take small steps but walk fast Do it for 30 secs Last, we will do finisher exercise which will be burpee You have to do 20 repetitions of this So, with this you have completed your 1 round and you have to perform 3-4 rounds same Before sharing tips, I want to ask who haven’t check the Amazon’s great India sale If you haven’t checked yet then please go and check Because you will get discount on big muscle’s all the product And also, on crude whey which is only available on amazon It is fast absorbing protein In which you get 24 g of protein 5.5 g of BCA 4 g of glutamine and 0 sugar at per serving There is no artificial, preservative and ban substance in it It means it is safe to use It is very affordable and you will get two more flavour including this That is chocolate and café latte In each product you will get a verification code From which you can check the authenticity of the product I have given the link in my description box by which you can take the advantage of sale Now I will share a few tips which will fasten your weight loss journey First is fasted cardio, if you really want to loss the weight Then you have to do moderate pace cardio in the morning with empty stomach In cardio, you can do cycling, treadmill, elliptical or breast walk Empty stomach means you can only drink water And if you want to have additional benefit then don’t eat anything after 30 minutes of cardio Second is avoid processed sugar You have to cut off artificial sugar from your diet But you can replace sugar with honey, jaggery and off sugar In addition to this, whatever packed beverages you consume they also have unnecessary sugar in them Which you must avoid consuming Third is Eat less more often This means don’t eat much in one time Divide your whole day meals in 4-5 parts And in every meal please make sure that the big portion must be of salad or green meals Second would be of protein and third would be carbohydrates Fourth tip is drink partially juice If you can drink parsley juice at anytime of the day, it would be beneficial for you Now the recipe to make parsley juice is to take handful of parsley, two handful of spinach and a ginger Mix all this in grinder with one glass of water and then drink it Fifth tip is stay hydrated Means you have to drink a lot of water in a day Like 4–5-liter water And if you consume green tea in a day it would be beneficial for you Last tip but not the least is deep sleep Means you have to take 7-8 hours deep sleep which is necessary for you And the right time of sleep is 10pm-6am When you take a deep sleep, you stress hormones get reduced which helps you in losing weight This is our video for today I hope you have liked it If so, then please like, share and comment After following this workout schedule for 21 days do let me know whether you get any results or not Do continue to write in comment box And I will continue to share these informational videos with you Till then take care Goodbye