
SIRPAUL™ "Going Down In La-La-Land" (Directed by Mark Odgers)

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Driving through my life invisible red lights
Have always tried to slow me down

The beauty and the beat, emotional retreat
Sinking on solid ground (yeah...)

I'm going down down down in la la land tonight...
Where the jungle is concrete, the streets are alive
And people will do anything to survive
I'm going down down down in la la land tonight...
I don't know if I'll make it through
Gonna try to make a dream come true in la la land

Verse 2:
I wake inside this dream, too many times I've seen
What's lost mistaken to be found

And somewhere in this heat, the past and future meet
A chance is always coming 'round (yeah...)

(Repeat Chorus)

I wake inside a world of dreams,
Cast inside another scene
Reality just fades away in the city of la