
Penguins lost in a blizzard - Snow Babies - BBC One Christmas 2012

Basic shortcuts

Ctrl + SSave subtitles
Ctrl + click
Double click
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TabEdit next caption
Shift + TabEdit previous caption
EscLeave edit mode
Ctrl + SpacePlay / pause video
Ctrl + HomePlay selected caption
Ctrl + EnterSplit caption at cursor position
at current time

Advanced shortcuts

Ctrl + InsertAdd new caption
Ctrl + DeleteDelete selected caption
Ctrl + IEdit currently played segment
Shift + EnterNew line when editing
Ctrl + LeftPlay from -1s
Ctrl + RightPlay from +1s
Alt + LeftShift caption start time -0.1s
Alt + RightShift caption start time +0.1s
Alt + DownShift caption end time -0.1s
Alt + UpShift caption end time +0.1s

Annotation shortcuts

Ctrl + 1Hesitation
Ctrl + 2Speaker noise
Ctrl + 3Background noise
Ctrl + 4Unknown word
Ctrl + 5Wrong segment
Ctrl + 6Crosstalk segment
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0:00.00  -  0:02.20I brought you a gift. ( )
0:02.21  -  0:04.00I'm scared.
0:04.00  -  0:09.00It's worth all the effort, with the 7 seconds put into it! *laugh*
0:09.50  -  0:15.50I wasn't sure if it needed some adjustments, so I just used Wojak as a template.
0:16.00  -  0:17.45ISN'T IT FUCKING FABULOUS?!
0:17.00  -  0:20.75It's a little frightening... How long did it take you?
0:21.00  -  0:22.0012 WHOLE MINUTES!
0:22.75  -  0:25.00;-;