
ഫ്ലാറ്റിൽ മനോഹരമായ ഗാർഡൻ ഒരുക്കാം || Small space flat garden || shilpazz thattikootu || gardening

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Hello hai welcome back’s video is about a small space flat garden arrangement By my Bangalore.. I have visited there nearly 2 years back ..due to this corona I was not able to go there .. actually I wished to go there and take videos….but could not…so she send me some.… A small request…this video is having some shake’s takeHello hai welcome back’s video is about a small space flat garden arrangement
By my Bangalore..
I have visited there nearly 2 years back ..due to this corona I was not able to go there
.. actually I wished to go there and take videos….but could not…so she send me some.…
A small request…this video is having some shake’s taken in mobile..pls forgive me..
This is my sisiter..deedi…Her husband’s name is Rajeev…he is shooting this video..
She have a son..his name is Karthik.
Now this is the Dining room can see money plants arranged
In beautiful white pots .n in mobile..pls forgive me.. This is my sisiter..deedi…Her husband’s name is Rajeev…he is shooting this video.. She have a son..his name is Karthik. Now this is the Dining room can see money plants arranged In beautiful white pots .