

Basic shortcuts

Ctrl + SSave subtitles
Ctrl + click
Double click
Edit highlighted caption
TabEdit next caption
Shift + TabEdit previous caption
EscLeave edit mode
Ctrl + SpacePlay / pause video
Ctrl + HomePlay selected caption
Ctrl + EnterSplit caption at cursor position
at current time

Advanced shortcuts

Ctrl + InsertAdd new caption
Ctrl + DeleteDelete selected caption
Ctrl + IEdit currently played segment
Shift + EnterNew line when editing
Ctrl + LeftPlay from -1s
Ctrl + RightPlay from +1s
Alt + LeftShift caption start time -0.1s
Alt + RightShift caption start time +0.1s
Alt + DownShift caption end time -0.1s
Alt + UpShift caption end time +0.1s

Annotation shortcuts

Ctrl + 1Hesitation
Ctrl + 2Speaker noise
Ctrl + 3Background noise
Ctrl + 4Unknown word
Ctrl + 5Wrong segment
Ctrl + 6Crosstalk segment
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Hello, Hello, How are you called? My name is Charlotte Charlotte you surf this morning? Yes I sufer this morning in ANZA so what? The waves were rather nice, we just found when we arrived on the beach that there was a weird appearance, balls do not know if it is oil or oil or chemicals finally all that and like Even we are coming home and the water has a strong smell of sulfur or oil we do not know what it is, it is trope pesse and we voices things floating in the water,we do not know too much what It can do on the human, it is a pity by what anza is a beach where we come often and we do not know if we will be able to go back with what happens Good bah merci charlotte You're welcome it's very nice of you I just hope that people have a stronger impact on the environment